Apr 15, 2024
New weekly player award: Local Legend
NBL1 South
NBL1 South is proud to announce a new weekly player award, known as the ‘Local Legend’.
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NBL1 South is proud to announce a new weekly player award, known as the ‘Local Legend’.
Associations from NBL1 South will be provided the opportunity to nominate players who’ve made and continue to make, a positive impact within their local association, and/or their broader community.
One male and one female player will be announced each Monday as the Local Legend, with a piece celebrating their impact on their basketball community.
“Basketball associations are built upon people giving back and contributing. We know we have players across NBL1 South that do exactly that and ‘LocalLegend’ represents a chance for us to recognize them for the contributions they make. We want to celebrate players who provide a positive influence both on and off the court.” NBL1 South League Manager Alison Cody said.
The Local Legends will be announced each Monday with the first to be announced this afternoon. Winners will receive a prize pack from NBL1 South.