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May 2, 2023

Eagles showcase the Women

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Last weekend the Diamond Valley Eagles flipped the script and hosted their Men's game first followed by the Women's game, with the goal to showcase the elite Women of their club.

The initiative will be repeated when the Eagles take on the Sandringham Sabres in Round 8.

Diamond Valley Eagles General Manager Patrick Di Lizio spoke about the initiative

"At the end of last year, we asked the playing group if they wanted some games to be flipped, giving the women the opportunity to play as the second timeslot. Not only were the women’s team excited about the opportunity, but the men’s team were very supportive as well."

"It gives a different experience for the fans and the players and was really well received this past weekend for the first time. It’s important we don’t keep doing things the same way, just because its always been done that way."

The initiative is also being trialled by the Bendigo Braves this weekend.